O convidado Joe Rogan conta uma terrível história de OVNI

James Fox shared a UFO story with Joe Rogan that could probably stop a lot of people from sleeping at night.

Fox released the popular UFO documentary “Moment of Contact” in 2022, and the film covers the Varginha UFO incident in Brazil in 1996. The situation is sometimes referred to as “The Roswell of Brazil” or “Brazil’s Roswell.”

The 1996 incident allegedly involved creatures that are best described as demonic and a UFO in Varginha, Brazil. Some believe Brazilian authorities successfully captured the creatures/aliens.

That has, obviously, never been proven, and likely never would be even on the off chance it was real. Some reporting indicates what people believed were aliens were just a pair of people with dwarfism at a hospital expecting a baby, according to some very old reports.

To put it simply, nobody has any idea what happened, but the alleged details are horrifying.

The alleged details of the Varginha UFO incident are chilling.

During his conversation with Joe Rogan, Fox painted a picture that is nothing short of absolutely horrifying.

Fox alleges one of the creatures was “crouched” by a wall and “screeched” out to some young women in the area. That’s not the most bone-chilling part.

The creature allegedly communicated to one of the young Brazilian women “please help me” because “it’s weak, it’s feeble and it’s scared,” Fox explained to a truly stunned Joe Rogan.

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Fox also claims the smell of the unknown creatures was overwhelming and stayed with people for an extended period of time. The witnesses were also allegedly pressured by unknown men to take a suitcase of money and go elsewhere to start over.

‘You guys have no idea. I think an alien spaceship crashed and they recovered live aliens and we made contact and the Americans came in.’ That’s what I’m thinking about,” the documentarian filmmaker further explained to Rogan when talking about how people reacted when he returned from Brazil after doing his research.

You can watch the full exchange below. It’s pure nightmare fuel.

Are we alone?

Generally speaking, I’m very skeptical of anything that touches the paranormal world. Yes, we keep a very open mind at OutKick. It’s something we pride ourselves on, and to be fair, there is plenty of fascinating UFO footage out there. Much of it is from our own military.

That’s all fine and good. This type of stuff is not. This is the type of stuff that should keep you awake at night.

Fox claims the military shut everything down and then a couple young women came across some kind of creature – possibly an alien – that cries out for help.

That’s going to be a hard pass from me, folks. A VERY hard pass. Talking about UFOs and aliens is all fun and games until they start screeching out in pain – if true, of course.

Existem alienígenas entre nós? Alienígenas foram encontrados no Brasil em 1996 e encobertos? É difícil dizer, mas quanto à última pergunta, parece improvável que um encobrimento seja possível.

Os governos são muito incompetentes quando se trata de esconder coisas. Qualquer grande organização terá vazamentos e não há evidências concretas de que alienígenas tenham sido encontrados.

Talvez nunca saibamos qual é a verdade por trás do incidente do OVNI em Varginha, mas para o bem da minha sanidade, espero que a versão dos acontecimentos de James Fox não seja verdadeira.

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